"I have been involved with Terp Thon since the beginning of my first semester at Maryland during the fall of 2018. From my very first hospital tour, I knew that Terp Thon and helping the kids and families at Children’s National was something I wanted to dedicate a lot of my time in college to. Though I have never been treated at Children’s National, and don’t have a direct link to Children’s National, I do have a direct link to pediatric illness.
My senior year of high school I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. It took months of being sick, missing school, lots of blood work and tests, and an endoscopy to reach a proper diagnosis. For months I would feel super sick after everything I ate, confusing many doctors and myself. The diagnosis process was long and tedious, especially when all of my friends were out enjoying senior year of high school. I remember being scared and anxious, even though I was nearly an adult. I cannot imagine going through that diagnosis process as a younger child.
I am so grateful for the community Terp Thon has given me throughout my time at UMD. Not only are we Terps changing the lives of kids that we have never met, but we are Terps who care deeply about our campus community and the impact we have made."