terp thon 2025
There are many ways to join our Movement. All current and former Terps can join us as a Student Participant, member of our Internal Team, or as a member of our Alumni Network. Click on the Miracle Balloons to learn more about all of the ways to get involved!

Our Student Participants MOVE US
Our Student Body is the life force of our Terp Thon Movement. From Greek Chapters and Student Organizations, to Ambassadors and Individual Participants, there are so many ways to get involved as a general Student Member! Click the Balloon to learn more about ways to get involved as a student!

Internal Team
Our Internal Team DRIVES US
Our Internal Team is comprised of current students who wish to have a greater impact and role in our events and in supporting our hospital. There are 17 Planning Team committees, so there is something for everyone to help out with! Click the Balloon to learn more about getting involved in our Internal Team!

Founded in 2015, our Terp Thon Alumni Network (TTAN) has been steadily supporting and raising money for Terp Thon! Our Alumni Network is centered in the New York and Washington, D.C. Metro Areas, but no matter how far you are from campus, TTAN can reconnect you to our favorite cause. Click the Balloon to learn more about our Terp Thon Alumni Network!